Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hydroelectricity is electricity produced by hydropower. Hydroelectricity now supplies about 715,000 MWe or 19% of world electricity (16% in 2003), accounting for over 63% of the total electricity from renewables in 2005.
Although large hydroelectric installations generate most of the world's hydroelectricity, small hydro schemes are particularly popular in China, which has over 50% of world small hydro capacity.
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12:40 am
Monday, October 29, 2007
Engine generator
An engine-generator is the combination of an electrical generator and an engine mounted together to form a single piece of equipment. This combination is also called an engine-generator set or a gen-set. In many contexts, the engine is taken for granted and the combined unit is simply called a generator.
In addition to the engine and generator, engine-generators generally include a fuel tank, an engine speed regulator and a generator voltage regulator. Many units are equipped with a battery and electric starter. Standby power generating units often include an automatic starting system and a transfer switch to disconnect the load from the utility power source and connect it to the generator.
Engine-generators are often used to supply electrical power in places where utility power is not available and in situations where power is needed only temporarily. Small generators are sometimes used to supply power tools at construction sites. Trailer-mounted generators supply power for temporary installations of lighting, sound ampliification systems, amusement rides etc.
Standby power generators are permanently installed and kept ready to supply power to critical loads during temporary interruptions of the utility power supply. Hospitals, communications service installations, sewage pumping stations and many other important facilities are equipped with standby power generators.
Small and medium generators are especially popular in third world countries to supplement grid power, which is often unreliable. Trailer-mounted generators can be towed to disaster areas where grid power has been temporarily disrupted.
The generator can also be driven by the human muscle power (for instance, in the field radio station equipment).
The generator voltage (volts), frequency (Hz) and power (watts) ratings are selected to suit the load that will be connected.
Engine-generators are available in a wide range of power ratings. These include small, hand-portable units that can supply several hundred watts of power, hand-cart mounted units, as pictured above, that can supply several thousand watts and stationary or trailer-mounted units that can supply over a million watts. The smaller units tend to use gasoline (petrol) as a fuel, and the larger ones have various fuel types, including diesel, natural gas and propane (liquid or gas).
There are only a few portable three-phase generator models available in the US. Most of the portable units available are single phase power only and most of the three-phase generators manufactured are large industrial type generators.
Portable engine-generators may require an external power conditioner to safely operate some types of electronic equipment.
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4:51 am
Sunday, October 28, 2007
what is Direct on line starter
A motor starter is an electrical/electronic circuit composed of electro-mechanical and electronic devices which are employed to start and stop an electric motor. Regardless of the motor type (AC or DC), the types of starters differ depending on the method of starting the motor. A DOL starter connects the motor terminals directly to the power supply. Hence, the motor is subjected to the full voltage of the power supply. Consequently, high starting current flows through the motor. This type of starting is suitable for small motors below 5 hp (3.75 kW). Reduced-voltage starters are employed with motors above 5 hp.
Starter Circuits
The motor starter is composed of push-button switches, relays, isolators, circuit breakers, transformers and interlock switches. Its circuit is split into two circuits; control and power. The power circuit is the higher-voltage circuit to which the motor terminals connect with the power supply. The control circuit is the lower-voltage circuit and it is electrically isolated from the power circuit. The starter is energized by the control circuit using electro-mechanical relays and push button switches. Modern starters employ solid state relays (electronic relays).
DOL Reversing Starter
Most motors are reversible or, in other words, they can be run clockwise and anti-clockwise. A reversing starter is an electrical or electronic circuit that reverses the speed of a motor automatically. Logically, the circuit is composed of two DOL circuits; one for clockwise operation and the other for anti-clockwise operation.
Example of Motor Starters
Control and power circuits of 3-phase cage motor DOL starter.
A very well-known motor starter is the DOL Starter of a 3-Phase Squirrel-Cage Motor. This starter is sometimes used to start water pumps, compressors, fans and conveyor belts. With a 400V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply, the power circuit connects the motor to 400V. Consequently, the starting current may reach 3-8 times the normal current. The control circuit is typically run at 24V with the aid of a 400V/24V transformer. An animation of the circuits of this starter is shown here.
Motor direction reversal
Changing the direction of a 3-Phase Squirrel-Cage Motor requires swapping any two phases. This could be achieved by a contactor KM1 swapping phase L2 and L3 between the supply and the motor.
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11:35 pm
Motor controller(Direct on line starter)

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11:26 pm
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
switch gear for substation
Switchgears are located anywhere that isolation and protection may be required. These locations include generators, motors, transformers, and substations.
Typically switchgear in substations is located on both the high voltage and the low voltage side of large power transformers. The switchgear located on the low voltage side of the transformers in distribution type substations, now are typically located in what is called a Power Distribution Center (PDC). Inside this building are typically smaller, medium-voltage (~15kV) circuit breakers feeding the distribution system. Also contained inside these Power Control Centers are various relays, meters, and other communication equipment allowing for intelligent control of the substation.
For industrial applications, a transformer and switchgear line-up may be combined in one housing, called a unit substation.
Switchgear for low voltages may be entirely enclosed within a building. For transmission levels of voltage (high voltages over 66 kV), often switchgear will be mounted outdoors and insulated by air, though this requires a large amount of space. Gas-insulated switchgear used for transmission-level voltages saves space, although it has a higher equipment cost.
At small substations, switches may be manually operated, but at important switching stations on the transmission network all devices have motor operators to allow for remote control.
A piece of switchgear may be a simple open air isolator switch or it may be insulated by some other substance. An effective although more costly form of switchgear is "gas insulated switchgear" (GIS), where the conductors and contacts are insulated by pressurized (SF6) sulfur hexafluoride gas. Another common type is oil insulated switchgear.
Circuit breakers are a special type of switchgear that are able to interrupt fault currents. Their construction allows them to interrupt fault currents of many hundreds or thousands of amps. The quenching of the arc when the contacts open requires careful design, and falls into four types:
Oil circuit breakers rely upon vaporisation of some of the oil to blast a jet of oil through the arc.
Gas (SF6) circuit breakers sometimes stretch the arc using a magnetic field, and then rely upon the dielectric strength of the SF6 to quench the stretched arc.
Vacuum circuit breakers have minimal arcing (as there is nothing to ionise other than the contact material), so the arc quenches when it is stretched a very small amount (<2-3 mm). Vacuum circuit breakers are frequently used in modern medium-voltage switchgear to 35,000 volts. Air circuit breakers may use compressed air to blow out the arc, or alternatively, the contacts are rapidly swung into a small sealed chamber, the escaping of the displaced air thus blowing out the arc. Circuit breakers are usually able to terminate all current flow very quickly: typically between 30mS and 150mS depending upon the age and construction of the device. Several different classifications of switchgear can be made:
By size of current that they may safely switch:
Circuit breakers can open and close on fault currents
Load-break/Load-make switches can switch normal system load currents
Isolators may only be operated while the circuit is dead, or the load current is very small.
By voltage class:
Low voltage (less than 1000 volts AC)
Medium voltage (1000-35,000 volts AC)
High voltage (more than 35,000 volts AC)
By insulating medium:
Gas (SF6 or mixtures)
By construction type:
Draw-out elements (removable without many tools)
Fixed elements (bolted fasteners)
By IEC degree of internal separation
No Separation (Form 1)
Busbars separated from functional units (Form 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b)
Terminals for external conductors separated from busbars (Form 2b, 3b, 4a, 4b)
Terminals for external conductors separated from functional units but not from each other (Form 3a, 3b)
Functional units separated from each other (Form 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b)
Terminals for external conductors separated from each other (Form 4a, 4b)
Terminals for external conductors separate from their associated functional unit (Form 4b)
By interrupting device:
Air Blast Circuit Breaker
Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker
Oil Circuit Breaker
Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Gas (SF6) Circuit breaker
By operating method:
Solenoid/stored energy operated
By type of current:
Alternating current
Direct current
By interrupting rating (maximum short circuit current that the device can safely interrupt)
By application:
Transmission system
A single line-up may incorporate several different types of devices, for example, air-insulated bus, vacuum circuit breakers, and manually-operated switches may all exist in the same row of cubicles.
Ratings, design, specifications and details of switchgear are set by a multitude of standards. In North America mostly IEEE and ANSI standards are used, much of the rest of the world uses IEC standards, sometimes with local national derivatives or variations.
One of the main basic functions of switchgear is protection: discrimination between circuit breakers enhances availability, that is to say continuity of service. The overall approach is termed coordination: the standards provide a framework for discrimination and cascading that protects the integrity of the power system and minimizes the scope of downstream outages.
To help ensure safe operation sequences of switchgear, trapped key interlocking provides predefined scenarios of operation. James Harry Castell invented this technique in 1922. For example, if only one of two sources of supply are permitted to be connected at a given time, the interlock scheme may require that the first switch must be opened to release a key that will allow closing the second switch. Complex schemes are possible.
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3:28 am
Monday, October 22, 2007
The secondary induced voltage VS is scaled from the primary VP by a factor ideally equal to the ratio of the number of turns of wire in their respective windings:
By appropriate selection of the numbers of turns, a transformer thus allows an alternating voltage to be stepped up — by making NS more than NP — or stepped down, by making it less.
A key application of transformers is to reduce the current before transmitting electrical energy over long distances through wires. Most wires have resistance and so dissipate electrical energy at a rate proportional to the square of the current through the wire. By transforming electrical power to a high-voltage, and therefore low-current form for transmission and back again afterwards, transformers enable the economic transmission of power over long distances. Consequently, transformers have shaped the electricity supply industry, permitting generation to be located remotely from points of demand.[1] All but a fraction of the world's electrical power has passed through a series of transformers by the time it reaches the consumer.[2]
Transformers are some of the most efficient electrical 'machines',[3] with some large units able to transfer 99.75% of their input power to their output.[4] Transformers come in a range of sizes from a thumbnail-sized coupling transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to huge gigavolt-ampere-rated units used to interconnect portions of national power grids. All operate with the same basic principles, though a variety of designs exist to perform specialized roles throughout home and industry.
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8:26 pm
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Electrical insulation
The term electrical insulation has the same meaning as the term dielectric.
Some materials such as silicon dioxide or teflon are very good electrical insulators. A much larger class of materials, for example rubber-like polymers and most plastics are still "good enough" to insulate electrical wiring and cables even though they may have lower bulk resistivity. These materials can serve as practical and safe insulators for low to moderate voltages (hundreds, or even thousands, of volts).
Most (though not all, see Mott insulator) insulators are characterized by having a large band gap. This occurs because the "valence" band containing the highest energy electrons is full, and a large energy gap separates this band from the next band above it. There is always some voltage (called the breakdown voltage) that will give the electrons enough energy to be excited into this band. Once this voltage is exceeded, the material ceases being an insulator, and charge will begin to pass through it. However, dielectric breakdown is usually accompanied by physical or chemical changes that permanently degrade the material's insulating properties.
Materials which lack electron conduction must also lack other mobile charges as well. For example, if a liquid or gas contains ions, then the ions can be made to flow as an electric current, and the material is a conductor. Electrolytes and plasmas contain ions and will act as conductors whether or not electron flow is involved.
Recently, some electric utilities have begun converting to polymer composite materials for some types of insulators which consist of a central rod made of fibre reinforced plastic and an outer weathershed made of silicone rubber or EPDM. Composite insulators are less costly, lighter in weight, and have excellent hydrophobic capability. This combination makes them ideal for service in polluted areas. However, these materials do not yet have the long-term proven service life of glass and porcelain.
The first glass insulators used en masse had an unthreaded pinhole. These pieces of glass were positioned on a tapered wooden pin, vertically extending upwards from the pole's crossarm (commonly only two insulators to a pole and maybe one on top of the pole itself). Natural contraction and expansion of the wires tied to these "threadless insulators" resulted in insulators unseating from their pins, requiring manual reseating.
Amongst the first to produce ceramic insulators were companies in the United Kingdom, with Stiff and Doulton using stoneware from the mid 1840s, Joseph Bourne (later renamed Denby) producing them from around 1860 and Bullers from 1868. Utility patent number 48,906 was granted to Louis A. Cauvet on July 25, 1865 for a process to produce insulators with a threaded pinhole. To this day, pin-type insulators still have threaded pinholes.
The invention of suspension-type insulators made high-voltage power transmission possible. Pin-type insulators were unsatisfactory over about 60,000 volts.
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9:51 pm